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Tuesday, April 29, 2008 . 6:44 PM

I had IS lesson in town today!
we're supposed to carry out our experiment in town
and we totally regret choosing Social Psychology at first. but actually it was super crazy and fun!!
so people, do try out this module if possible ya? (:

anyway for my group's project, we are supposed to dress up until damn sloppy.
but in the end, aini and me look like moroons!!!

and we had to wear those into LV, Burberry etc ok?! gosh shan't for the next month! super shameful!

our aim is to test out some deindividual stuffs. its successful YO!


Mr Kwan's lesson is too boring.

Sunday, April 27, 2008 . 11:39 PM

HAPPY 19th birthday to my dearest sweetheart!!!

anyway his birthday falls on the same day as his lunar birthday too.

so he gotta eat the cake, the longevity noodles and the red eggs all in one day. (:

celebrated his birthday with his family today.

his mum was super funny. dear hates vege dishes and those funny soup and what-so-ever.
so his mum was so nice to cook all his favourite food which includes curry chicken, deep friednuggets, deep fried prawn cake, deep fried fish cake, deep fried ... ... SO out of 10 dishes, 9 are deep fried!
we got no choice but to swallow it. aarhh!


IS lesson will be held in town tomorrow.
and we have stunts for the public. do watch out!

AND its ...

on 29th April!

in loves!

Saturday, April 26, 2008 . 2:25 PM

THANKS yao for the wonderful photos!!

we had a class celebration for dear's birthday in advance.
but he discovered it. so not fun.
yao keeps calling him to act surprised. and the photos turned out super duper funny!!

spot dear! so sissy!!

specially made from Awfully Chocolate. :)

Mr Tan joined us too!

we placed his presnts on top and expect him to find his own present.

the berms that dap and i spent half an hour choosing cos we dunno his size. luckily its just nice. or else he'll scold me for the whole year. =__=
headed Westmall with dap for lunch. just nice we bumped into Lydia at school's bus-stop.
we chatted through the whole lunch and most of which is on ghost stories. weird people! haha!
went dap's clubhouse and chat, till my driving lesson time is up. next time we shall go her house for swimming. (:
and yao says she doesn't mind wearing a bikini!!!
it was my best driving lesson yesterday. my instructor drove me to Teck Whye's post office to renew my PDL. it only took 5 mins!
and i brought him through my whole of previous TP and told him what gone wrong.
he said: " YOU ARE PLAIN SUAI! and the testor is abit crazy one."
thanks for consoling me.
after all its too late.

dear met me up and we had dinner at JP's Fish & Co.
we realised that the pricing is different from the branches at Paragon and Glass House. can anyone tell me why?


And before yesterday, the 3 idiots went bugis searching high and low for dear' present.
but we were glad to get the most important present once we step into bugis street.

i love their company.

Friday, April 25, 2008 . 9:27 PM

I broke out at a bus stop today.
million of stares around.

I just feel that i'm a gone case.
I'm a good-for-nothing.
I cant do simple things.
I'm dying.

I'm not proud of myself anymore.
Not now or ever.

I'm losing control of myself.
I already can't bear with myself.
I even hate myself.

cos i'm nothing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 . 11:06 PM

i miss daddy!
mummy chats with daddy every now and then of the day. i dunno how high the phone bills will be but i still miss daddy!

cos no one help me catch cockroach or lizard.
no one calls me to off the laptop earlier every night.
no one can explain to me what's my CPF letter about.
no one helps me wash the pots and plates after dinner.


anyway dear's birthday is here too.
shall just keep myself occupied. (:

i'm glad he's always by my side.


i took this photo during Marketing lesson today.
i never knew there were so many flavours of Coke in the market.

* do bring me with you *

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 . 6:12 PM

i treat everyone fairly.
even though i loathe them, i don't act on them or harm them in any other way.

but why must they affect me?

Sunday, April 20, 2008 . 10:04 PM

finally get to work after 17 days! weeeee!
and the feeling was great.
even though the sales isn't that fabulous, but i'm satisfied already.
i love the products, i love rotting at the counter and i love the brand... (:
Biotherm is my world!

dear fetched me. and we went shopping for his birthday gifts. and he needs nothing!
so just randomly got him 2 tees, 1 shirt and a pair of berms.

and we got ourselves each a pair of slippers from Gap which somehow looks rather similar to havaianas but i prefer Gap's material. do check it out in stores! its new!


oh and mum finally succeeded in baking a cake using a pan. just before dad leaves...

its nice. trust me!

and lastly i wish to share a video. its so adorable.

off to sleep. i gotta wake up at 4.30am tomorrow to send dad off and lesson last from 9-6pm! its not helping at all.

Saturday, April 19, 2008 . 10:00 PM

grabbed the pics from yao yao le!!!

we took so many photos that by the time we cut the cake, it has NUA-ED!

ta-duh! the set of clothes that yao, em and dap went to get for her 2 days back. sorry that i cant make it cos the boyfriend is horribly sick!

once again happy belated birthday! you're 18! you can go Hard Rock already ya? (:


woke up at 7plus and head to Delfi Orchard's School Of Make-up for Riza's beauty exam. sexy mummy, you can make it. dun worry alright?

YOU DID REALLY WELL! i'll probably get her to do me up for my wedding if i ever get to get married! ahahaha!

so headed to IMM's Long Beach to try out the dishes for grandpa's 70th birthday.

after the chilli crabs are here, no more pics! haha cos i dig into it immediately. yums! its also meant as a farewell dinner for daddy.

he's flying to Guangzhou on Monday on a 1 week trip for company's stuffs.

aarhh for the first time daddy is away from home for so long!!!


i'm pondering ...

everyone is appealing for it.

everyone is asking me to appeal too!

but should i just accept this fact?

after all, i don't think i'm that fabulous.